The McGowans - Western Ukraine

This mission to care for orphans and vulnerable children in Western Ukraine is propelled by the McGowans relationship with Jesus Christ. For those of us who are in Christ, God has rescued and adopted us out from our own poverty and into an inheritance of light and life.

“We care for orphans not because we are rescuers, but because we are the rescued.” -David Platt.

Harris and Leah McGowan started working with orphans and vulnerable children in western Ukraine together in 2018.

Leah spent her youth learning about the global orphan crisis while traveling to China, Haiti, Colombia, and Mexico. During these trips, the Lord confirmed her life-long calling to advocate for orphans and vulnerable children. After living in Ukraine for two months in 2016, the Lord revealed that this was where she could build long-term relationships and start laying down the foundation to care for orphans and vulnerable children through the organization she co-founded, New Song International.

Harris spent a few years working at a summer camp for boys and young men, especially those from hard backgrounds. Unfortunately, the camp was discontinued after the property burned down, but Harris’s interest in working with children, especially those from hard places, lived on.

Leah and Harris met in a homeschool class in high school. They became a husband-and-wife team in 2018 and have lived in Katy, TX ever since. Harris quickly jumped into all things New Song Int. and OVC care (Orphans and Vulnerable Children). The newlyweds went on their first trip to Ukraine together the following year and have been praying about making a long-term transitioning to Ukraine off and on ever since. Looking back, they see the Lord’s provision in preserving this desire for such a time as this, both in their personal lives and in context to what’s happening in Ukraine.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February of 2022, New Song International grew exponentially. After 6 years of building relationships in Ukraine with government officials and other NGO’s, New Song Int. was called on to play their part in providing humanitarian aid to those in need. Since February 2022, New Song Int. has provided more than $9,500 in humanitarian aid to partner organizations in and around Ukraine. 

We believe that God has given the McGowan family and New Song Int. the connections and vision to operate in Western Ukraine for such a time as this. Now, the organization has sent Harris, Leah, and their son, Alistair, to Western Ukraine to continue this ministry and further carry out the vision of New Song Int. 

After years of voluntarily pouring into New Song International, the McGowans are asking for monthly support for their roles as vocational missionaries.

Would you prayerfully consider being a part of what god is doing in ukraine by becoming a monthly sponsor?

The McGowans are on the ground helping to provide aid to families who are at risk of separation, but they cannot do that without monthly support. By supporting the McGowan family, you become a co-laborer for the kingdom of God and part of this ministry to support and encourage biological families who are at risk of separation.

NSI has an incredibly wise and discerning board of directors serving in both Ukraine and the United States. The McGowans will be welcomed to Western Ukraine by a wide network of partner organizations working towards OVC care who are also propelled by the gospel. Here you can find a Letter of Recommendation from J. Rick Adams, MD, Board Chairman, New Song Int.

International Networx ensures that your tax-deductible donation securely makes it to the McGowan family as they faithfully serve in Ukraine.



Q: What are you doing?

A: We primarily focus on and further develop the mission and vision of New Song Int. We have the opportunity to visit children who have been orphaned and are living in large government institutions, as well as babies that have been abandoned and dropped off and the local hospital until they are (usually) sent to a toddler orphanage. One of our primary goals is to seek out orphaned children and at-risk families who qualify for medical intervention and family support from New Song Int.’s Mobile Medical Team and Emergency Medical Fund.

Q: Is it safe?

A: The city we live in is in the far west, on the western side of the Carpathian Mountains. We will be minutes from the Hungarian border, though we plan to stay in Ukraine and with her people until the Lord directs us elsewhere.

Q: Do you speak the language?

A: Leah has been learning Ukranian off and on since 2016 and is taking one-on-one immersion lessons twice a week now. However, we’ve found that anyone who speaks English (most of the young people do) are eager to practice with you. Many different languages and dialects are represented in the border city.

Q: How long will you be there? When will you come back?

A: We plan to live in Ukraine indefinitely, or until the Lord directs us elsewhere. We would like to come back occasionally to visit family, friends, sponsors, and church partners. There may also be times we find it beneficial to attend the annual CAFO (Christian Alliance for Orphans) Summit for wisdom and encouragement as New Song Int. grows. They have been an invaluable resource to us since our founding and we always leave the Summit refreshed, even while we’ve been working towards our mission in Ukraine from in the U.S. the last few years.

Q: What Does my Monthly Support donation Cover?

A: Our monthly support covers basic living expenses in Ukraine as well as the average Ukrainian income. We are also allocating funding for tithe, savings, and retirement. Our goal is to live “so that we will cause no hinderance to the gospel of Christ” (1 Corinthians 9) as we strive to make every day an act of worship and a testimony to others about the God we serve!

Q: Are one-time donations helpful?

A: Any donation is helpful and extremely encouraging. However, since we will not be moving until our monthly support goal is met, please consider splitting up what you could give once into monthly support. Ex: $300 donation split into 12 months: $25 a month.